We always need spiritual, volunteer, and financial help along with donated goods and services (see the list below).
First and foremost, we appreciate your prayers for our guests as well as for the ministry of Grace in Action. In addition, we would be happy to accept donated Bibles, especially larger print, paperback copies. An in-kind donation receipt is available for your tax records should you donate Bibles or other spiritual reading materials for our guests.
We have volunteer needs for lunch preparation (once a month) and lunch and hospitality service (Minister of Hospitality; once or twice a week). Volunteer requirements:
Lunch Providers:
- Prepare and deliver sandwiches/lunches (or even just a side) to our onsite locations on a monthly basis or as a substitute.
- Mondays: United Methodist Church
- Wednesdays: Pole Line Baptist Church
- This is a great activity for individuals, Bible studies, small groups, or volunteer organizations.
A Minister of Hospitality must:
- Be at least 18 years old and assigned to a veteran Minister of Hospitality for training.
- Serve a minimum of at least six months in the organization (or one quarter for students).
- Enlist to work a regularly-scheduled task or activity.
- Complete and submit (via email or turned in hard copy at our ministry locations) the first two pages of the Minister of Hospitality Application and maintain this agreement form for your own records.
To volunteer with Grace in Action or for more information about volunteer opportunities, please contact our director Edward Johnson at graceinactiondavis@gmail.com or by phone at 530-564-9912.
Your financial contribution will help provide much-needed services to the least fortunate in our community. Please help us to continue this vital ministry by making a donation today via PayPal, through GivingEdge, or by sending a check.
If you prefer, you may send your tax-deductible donations to:
Grace in Action, Inc.
P.O. Box 4393
Davis, CA 95617
Financial reports available upon request.
- Federal Tax ID: 30-0208781
- Ca State Tax ID: 2550289
Goods & Services
- Accessories: bicycle lights, flashlights
- Camping Gear: clean sleeping bags, two-person tents, usable adult daypacks
- Bottled Water: packs of bottled water
- Health Supplies: cough drops, mosquito repellent, antibiotic ointment, travel-sized tissue, hand sanitizer, chap-stick
Donations of goods may be taken to either of the following locations:
- United Methodist Church of Davis – Grace in Action
- 1620 Anderson Road
- Hours: 12-1pm on Mondays
- Pole Line Baptist Church -Grace in Action
- 770 Pole Line Road
- Hours: 12-1pm on Wednesdays
In-Kind-Services: If you would like to donate in-kind or pro bono skilled or professional services such as mental health counseling, health care, financial auditing, tax preparation, or serve on our Board of Directors, please contact us at graceinactiondavis@gmail.com.