April, 2024

Dear Friends of Grace in Action,

Thank you for your continued support which allows us to be the hands and feet
of Jesus. We pray for God’s will in this ministry to reach the vulnerable within the community. Matthew Barnett, Director of the Los Angeles Dream Center, recently summarized the needs of the homeless and which organizations are best suited to bring about change.

  • Those facing homelessness need more than just housing to build an independent lifestyle and thrive. They need community. They need mentors and friends. They need the genuine love and support that we all need when challenges come our way. In short, they need to be treated like human beings.
  • Churches and other faith-based organizations are often well-equipped to provide the type of nurturing environment that focuses on restoring whole beings. When organizations like these work hand-in-hand with the other agencies, the root causes of what leads to sustained homelessness are better uncovered so the pain and trauma that leads victims into a downward spiral can be addressed.

At Grace in Action, we provide that nurturing environment by continuing to serve hearty lunches in a welcoming atmosphere of conversation and relationship building. We offer bicycle repairs; provide laundry vouchers, haircuts, and bus passes; serve communion; and invite guests to the prayer corner. We also collaborate with community organizations and government agencies to assist our guests.

Your contributions help Grace in Action meet the needs of people we serve. Please consider a donation by sending a check to our address listed in the sidebar, or you may scan one of the following QR codes. The first will take you to our Big Day of Giving Edge, and the second will take you to our PayPal site.

Thank you again for your time and support.


Edward Johnson Executive Director

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
(Matthew 11:28)

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